Are 90% Mortgages Disappearing? Advice for First-Time Buyers

HSBC revealed at the start of September that it will be temporarily suspending deals for new borrowers who have 10% deposits. This is due to a “significant consequence on service levels” following a large increase in enquiries from new borrowers. Admittedly, by the time you read this, they may well have reinstated their 90% mortgages…

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First Time Buyer Mortgage Options You May Not Have Considered

If you’re a first-time buyer (FTB) in the current housing market, you might be wondering how on earth you can secure a mortgage. The good news is that you can. You just need to think outside of the box. The problem you might be encountering Mortgage lenders are understandably a little nervous at the moment.…

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Common First Time Buyers Mistakes to Avoid

first time home buyers

For most people, buying a home is the single largest expense during their lifetime. It should therefore come as no surprise that it’s littered with opportunities to make mistakes – particularly if you’re new to it. If you’ve made any of the common first-time buyer mistakes we’re about to reveal, you shouldn’t feel bad. You’re…

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